Thursday, September 20, 2018

Darlings, I Am SO Ready For The End Of This Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is the first year I have felt like this, because, from childhood on, Summer was always my favorite season.  That I am rejoicing in the end of Summer 2018, which, as I was taught, is today, because, again, as I was taught, the first day of Autumn is September 21, is a combination of age and exasperation.

                                 Consider the many song lyrics about the end of Summer--

                                   "They say that all good things must end, someday. Autumn
                                       leaves start to fall."--Chad and Jeremy, "A Summer Song."

                                   " Across the morning sky, all the birds are leaving."
                                          --Judy Collins, "Who Knows Where The Time Goes?"

                                    "Another Winter, In A Summer Town!"
                                          --Christine Ebersole, in "Grey Gardens."

                               And, if I worked harder, there are more I could list.

                               The highlight of the Summer, was, and always will be, "Carousel."

                                But between heat so blazing one did not dare go out, alternated with rain storms so torrential it put a damper on all things outdoors--Coney Island, the Delacorte--that this had to be one of the worst Summers, for lack of fun, that I can remember.

                                 So, now it is time to put it behind, with MY favorite lyric--
"One last caress, it's time to dress...for Fall."

And here is Frank Sinatra's rendition of "The Summer Knows."  The best of the end of Summer songs.!!!!!!!!



  1. It HAS been brutal, hasn't it.
    I think the change of seasons will bring about a change in my attitude.
    Hope so, anyway.


  2. The Summer was burtal.
    But I wonder if age is
    a cause too. I used to
    love the season. But now...
    Anyway, Florida is NOT
    in my future plan!
