Thursday, September 20, 2018

And When The Sun Goes Down, Everyone Goes Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Here is "Club Ecstasy (or X-Tasy!!!!!!!!!) at 785 Fifth Avenue in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.  Darlings, I have never been here in my life, but once I get chummy with all the guys in the nabe, I am sure we will be going here regularly.

                          To think there is still a gay bar, in Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!  Now, this one is very Latino, so one has to make do with what is available.  But the merchandise appears to be choice.  Look!

I mean, even when "Saturday Night Fever" was first running in theaters, back in 1977, that whole disco Odyssey/ Spectrum scene was dated.  But at least some gay life still thrives over in Sunset Park.

As David often says, he does take me to the strangest places!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I get inside, darlings, I will give you a full report!  And talk to the young man, pictured!!!!!!!!!


  1. Better start oiling up your leather harness lol


  2. Victoria,

    Even back in the day, I was far
    from a leather type. And I was never
    a comfortable habitue of such places.
    The only thing I slather on myself
    these days is sun screen!
