Thursday, September 20, 2018

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A New Social Hangout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This past Tuesday, during that monsoon of rain, David took it upon himself to do errands.  One was to the Spectrum place, on 25th Street and 4th Avenue, in Brooklyn.  First, you gotta see the neighborhood!  Just blocks from Bay Ridge, it is as different as another planet.  Industrial buildings. cheap motels, working class businesses--come on over for a different social experience.

                              The highlight is the Dunkin' Donuts, at 737 4th Avenue.  Now, every Dunkin' Donuts has it own set of regulars and cultural flavor, but this one beats all!  You see, there is a homeless shelter nearby, and when the doors open, and the guys are sprung, they all gather for a morning coffee klatch at this place, where they talk of everything, including conspiracy theories!!!!!!!!!!!

                                David could not wait to get out.  I was fascinated.  After all, like Eva Peron, "I came from the people!  They need to adore me!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 I may have found a new social hangout.  If I am going to be in that vicinity, I will let you know!

                                   You all come around now, you hear????????????????????


  1. I used to love Krispy Kremes.
    But I reached a point where I
    could not handle the sweetness.
    Around the same time I started
    drinking my coffee black.
