Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Is Carolyn Jones' Finest Screen Moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Not to overlook "The Bachelor Party," "Marjorie Morningstar," and, of course, Morticia Addams, Carolyn Jones' moment in "House Of Wax," as Joan Of Arc, is her best screen moment.

                          Just look at this shot.  Is it real, is it Carolyn, or a dummy.  My guess is it really Carolyn, made up to look like a wax figure,  She plays it without moving, which is brilliant, but if you haven't already, darlings, I have to urge you to look at this scene on the earlier post.  Because, when Phyllis Kirk, as Sue Allen, first spots Carolyn, she is drawn to the figure, like one having a vision, and as she approaches and stands beside it, I swear the music score shifts to a riff of the opening notes of Alfred Newman's score, for "The Song Of Bernadette."  It sure sounds like it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           When Phyllis pulls off the black wig, Carolyn never bats an eye!  What a performance!  As many of you may know, this is a remake of the 1933 RKO chiller "The Mystery Of The Wax Museum," made twenty years before, in 1933.  The early Thirties technicolor is impressive, and it was directed by future A-list director, Michael Curitz.  And starred Lionel Atwill and Fay Wray.  But whether there was a scene as impressive as this, I cannot recall.

                              Talk about movie immortality.  Had they known Jones' future career, this might have been called "When Morticia Met The Mortician!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                You just GOTTA love it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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