Wednesday, September 26, 2018

These Girls Are Cookin' With Gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This is John Ashley, and just two of the bevy of girl dancers in the film "How To Make A Monster," back in 1958.  From what I have written before, this scene is almost out of place with the rest of the film, except to show the kind of trash musicals the new regime wants to make!  Girls, they are SO stupid!

                                     The scene stands out, because it is the only time the film actually goes campy. Maybe to prove the point that the new regime is wrong.

                                       This is John Ashley singing the song "You've Got To Have EE-OO!"  I kid you not; that is the song's title.

                                         What I am interested in are the dancers.  Are any of them still alive.  And, more important, were any of them part of the Diana Nellis dancers, in the most camp classic of 1958--"She Demons???????????"  If this is true, or any are still alive, I want to hear from you, on here!

                                            "She Demons" is a masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               AIP may have been cheap, but they sure provided a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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