Monday, September 10, 2018

We Have A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And before we do that, girls, let me bring you all up to date!

                                I have a busy week, what with two doctor appointments.  I said two, because it was supposed to be three, the first one being tomorrow.  But when I called to check on the time, would you believe it?  The appointment had been cancelled and moved up eight days later.  It is not that I mind rescheduling--I don't--but it might help if someone had told me.  Thank God I called ahead!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, with that out of the way, let me tell you there is going to be lots going on in here--"Sharp Objects," my relationship to Amma's dollhouse, "The Nun," "The Sound Of Music," "The Bad Seed"--September is shaping up to be quite a month.  And Wednesday is "Frank Mills" Day, not to mention "American Horror Story's" season opener.

                                 So, Ginger Moore, welcome!  Love the name, because I always wanted to be Ginger on "Gilligan's Island."  After all, she was, "The moooooooooovie staaaaaaaaaar!"  And poor Dawn Wells, the former Mary Ann Summers--we've got to help her, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Ginger, welcome.  If you have found your way on here, then you know how wacky things get on here,  And this month promises to be wackiest.  And the coffee rule--it goes great with coffee, which is always by my side, when I write.

                                    So, Ginger on behalf of my other readers--"my girls--and myself, The Raving Queen welcomes you!  Here is the blog's unofficial theme song.  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the Laughing Cow sends her love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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