Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Darlings, What The Hell Was I Doing, At A Straight Event?????????????????????

                                    Now, first, let me explain.  Women were present, they were comfortable and assertive, and there was no homophobia.  Both David and myself were welcomed, by one and all.

                                      We were at the 2018 Grand Master's Ball, to honor our friend, Bill Sardone, for being elected to the post of Grand Master of the Masons, for the next two years.  With him were his wife, now Lady Nancy, and his daughter, now Princess Alyssa.  I am telling you, they, and Davida Cooper, were the best dressed ones there.  But some of the others...I am not even going to go there.

                                        However, at our table, were two people who just fascinated me.  There was this one guy, who looked like an older version of Jonah Hill, with a woman who I thought was his wife, but when she arose to use the ladies' room, I could clearly see was his mother!   I wondered all evening what the story was there. I bet, were he still alive, Tennessee Williams could have told me that one!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Part of it was out of a costume movie, with all the men in jewels, ceremonial finery, and tuxes.  And Bill's speech gave me the best understanding of who the Masons are, and what they do, that I have ever heard.

                                              There was even entrainment, and dancing, offering something for everyone!  The Jersey Tenors, did "Jersey Boys" selections, pop, opera, ending with "One Day More," from "Les Miserables?"  How balanced is that????????????????????????

                                                The dinner and appetizers were exquisite, and so was the desert.  It was a long evening, and let me tell you this Raving Queen knew how Cinderella felt when it was time to beat the clock.  I was afraid I would turn into rags by midnight.

                                                  Fortunately, that did not happen.

                                                  Congratulations, Bill!  As one royal figure to another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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