Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"Trash, Honey, Just Trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               "I like beer!  I got into Yale!"--
                                                 Brett M. Kavanaugh

                                        There was a deleted scene, from "The Prince Of Tides," the 1991 film, directed by BARBRA,  In it, Lila Wingo (Kate Nelligan, who actually walks off with the film, goes to the home of Reese Newbury, to make apologies for her son, Tom, getting into a fight with his.  She is doing this, so she can get into the Colleton Circle, a ladies social club, run by Newbury's wife.

                                         What is shown is Newbury escorting young Tom in to  his private den, for a so-called man to man talk.  The man slaps and physically abuses the child, warning him if he tells anyone he will drive his entire family out of town--and he has the wherewithal to do it.

                                          Meanwhile, in the deleted scene, Kate/Lila, dressed in her finery, white gloves, a lacy pink dress, and a pink hat in her luscious looking hair, sits in a chair in the foyer,  But just behind her, are the Colleton League Ladies, including Newbury's wife, whom I believe is named Isabel.  They chat softly, but eventually Lila can hear them talking about her--her terrible dress, the hair, the flower,  how she is just trash, and thinks she will be a member of the Colleton League; why, the very idea sends them into peals of laughter,

                                             All this reminds me of Brett Kavanugh and his confirmation, because this certifies the normalization, now, of White Trash, in this country.  You see, darlings, White Trash is not just about Goat Alley or social class.  It is not looking fat and ugly, like the pre-Mama June, or her precious Sugar Bear.  It is also about boorish behavior, no matter what economic level you come from, and no one has demonstrated better White Trash behavior among the elite, than Brett M. Kavanugh.  Why shouldn't he be confirmed; after all, we have a White Trash president, so it is no surprise he would choose one of his ilk.

                                            I hope more comes out about Kavanaugh, and I believe it will, that forces him off the court.  I feel so sorry for his wife and daughters.   Get yourselves away from him ASAP. If anything, God forbid, happens to one of those girls, how will he react?  After all, it is OK for him to assault women, and drink vulgarly, so I guess he won't fuss too much if his daughters complain of the same treatment!  In fact, he will look the goddamn other way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               To think we live in an age where White Trash dictates, while aesthetes and the educated are looked down upon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Well, here  is a message from me, Mr. Kavanaugh.  Some  of us educated and aesthete will not give up; we will fight for the enlightened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    This is not going to turn in to "Animal Farm," where pigs like you rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Go back to the tan yard, and sleep in your own slop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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