Wednesday, October 10, 2018

We Have Two New Readers To Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Much as I love writing this blog, it seems life is getting in the way of my doing so, so when I have the time, I grab it, darlings.  And just in time to welcome two new readers on here, with the follower indicator up to 84!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Let's give a big welcome to Keely Brown and bitter69uk!!!!!!!!!  I am so glad you found your way here, darlings, and I hope you enjoy what there is, on here, And I do have some stuff to cover today.

                                         Of course, I have my coffee by my side, and I hope you do, too!  It makes it all go smoothly.

                                          So, welcome to my madcap world on here, darlings!  And now we salute you, with the blog's unofficial theme song--Deborah Harry, "Call Me!"

And, of course, The Laughing Cow sends her love!!!!!!!!

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