Monday, October 1, 2018

Things I Am Looking Forward To This Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  When Fall arrives in New York, so does a new cultural and literary season, darlings!  Already, I have my eye cast on some events.  In the book world, it seems like everyone is awaiting the new Marukami, due October 9.  Meanwhile, at 54 Below, on October 21. 27. and 29, lovely Lindsay Mendez, late of the heavenly "Carousel" is doing her own gig.  Lindsay was so great as Carrie Pipperidge, so I am looking forward to seeing Lindsay be more of...Lindsay!  I will let you know what night I go, girls, so stay tuned for future details!
Of course, thoughts  of Lindsay, and "Carousel" inevitably turn to thoughts of.....Jessie Mueller!  What will this brilliant and lovely artist do next?  I know if Jessie is in it, I will be there! Dare we pray for "Funny Girl?"  Or "RAGS?"  It's up to you, Jessie, the pick is yours, but fans such as I can't wait to see what you will do next!  Be on the lookout, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All roads seem to lead back to "Carousel."  Alexander Gemignani, who was Lindsay's Mr. Snow in "Carousel" is going to be the Musical Director for Roudabout's production of Stephen Sondheim's "Merrily We Roll Along."  I am saying this again--Alex, Lindsay MUST be cast as its Mary Flynn. She is so perfect for the part, by art and voice, that anyone else out there is inconceivable, Please, please, cast Lindsay.  Much as I love the show, casting is crucial, and if I don't like who is assembled, I may not go!  So, watch it!
"To Kill A Mockingbird"--The movie was perfection, and nothing will top it. I don't know why this project is going ahead, and why the show community expects it to be a mega hit!  I can only tell you Jeff Daniels is well cast as Atticus Finch, but will never equal Gregory Peck, who just inhabited the part, as though plucked from the pages of Harper Lee's book.  Same with everyone else in that 1962 film.

What interests me is Celia Keenan-Bolger.  If I go, it will be only because of her.  Celia has been cast as Scout, but she can't play it as a child!  So, this is a 'Mockingbird' we are not used to, or is going to explore things, maybe from "Go Set A Watchman," that didn't get examined the first time around.  Celia's acting will be brilliant and heartbreaking.  I can't say how the show will fare, but my wish for Celia is this brings her the TONY Award she is long overdue for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anything else?, I am toying with another visit to NYCB's "The Nutcracker," because this year marks the 40th Anniversary of when I first saw it.  We shall see.

Don't forget my birthday, and the Metropolitan Museum Of Art Christmas Tree.  And Thanksgiving.

Yes, lots of things coming up. And isn't it nice to end this day on an optimistic note, for a change????????????

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