Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Today Is A Very Special, Oft Forgotten Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         "Angel of, my guardian, dear,
                                                          God's love for me has sent you here.
                                                          Ever this day, be at my side.
                                                          To light and guard, to rule and guide."
                                                          --Prayer To My Guardian Angel

                                    If you were raised Catholic, as I was, you had this book.  It explained about Guardian Angels, how they watch over us--one is assigned to each of us--and that October 2 is the Feast Of The Guardian Angels.

                                    Everyone of them should get a special tribute today, but mine--oh, my Lord--the things he/she has had to put up with!  The best I can say is I am not a serial killer.  

                                     Thank God my life has settled down a little bit, so I am not driving my poor Guardian Angel wild!  Don't you make that mistake, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Have mercy on my soul, and everyone on here, and protect us!

                                       Happy Feast Of The Guardian Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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