Saturday, October 27, 2018

What Is Happening, On The Upper West Side??????????????????

                                            I have to confess, darlings, living along this coveted strip of Manhattan has always been problematic.  With cockroaches, mice, rats, Mr. Goodbar, and the occasional witch or two, even the most elegant places have been dicey.  In the case of witches though, one is safe, as long as one does not have a functioning uterus.

                                             All of the above are bearable.  And, hell, for me it would be fun to have some witchy-poos in our building. (Though I am not on the Upper West Side.)  But what is to be made of what has been going on there,  just this week????????????

                                               The bombings have been bad enough, as it is, and I don't mean to minimize them.  But the murder of Susan Trott, and the bodies of two young women pulled from the Hudson, make me wonder what is going on?  Is a serial killer prowling the Upper West Side?  Are all of these things somehow connected?  And what will the eventual outcome of both be?

                                                   Let's start with the two women, who were pulled from the Hudson River, at 2:30 PM this past Wednesday, around West 68th Street, and Riverside Park.  They have been identified as sisters.  One is Tala Farea, 16, and Rotana Farea, 22.  The girls hail from Fairfax, Virginia.

                                                     Which even raises more questions.  But first let us dispense with the notion, voiced by some, that this was some kind of suicide pact.  The sisters were even said to have jumped from the GW Bridge.

                                                       Now, darlings, how could anyone tie themselves to another, and go far enough out on the bridge, or anywhere, for that matter, to make a successful suicidal jump?  Clearly, these girls were murdered; but by whom, and now, where, comes into question.

                                                         Were the girls killed in Virginia, or New York?  If the latter, how and why did they come to be up here?  Who got their hands on them to kill, and why?  And, where exactly, were their bodies dumped?  Though I believe they were dead when thrown into the water, I cannot yet rule out they were not, so that has to be examined.  Were they tortured before being killed?  That will require some examination.  And, lastly, were they killed by a stranger, or someone--friend or family member-- they knew and trusted?  Sexual assault, or abuse?  The pool of both suspects and potential scenarios is wider than a policeman's net can be thrown.

                                                           My heart goes out to the sisters, and their families who did not deserve this.  But, then, really girls, does anyone?
Then, there is the murder of Susan Trott, who, on first glance, looks like an older combo of Joni Mitchell, and Cher!

Now, Susan's murdered body was found, around 5AM, this past Sunday, at her apartment at 710 West End Avenue, between 94th and 95th Streets.  It is a co-op, and I believe she was on the board.  She had been an advertising copywriter since the 1960s, and was what is becoming a dying breed--the New York Career Woman.  Once, girls clamored to be such.  Now, they want a quick way out, especially the Millennials.  This cannot be blamed on Glenn Close and "Fatal Attraction" anymore.  Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow????????????

The most fascinating aspect of the murder is the notion that Trott was killed by a female neighbor, living several floors below her. Trott resided on the building's 14 floor; it had 16 total.

Like the Farea sisters, the net of questions is open wide.  Did the women know one another?  Was this some kind of lesbian outrage?  Or outrage at Trott, who annoyed many with her eccentricity, and propensity to feed birds near the building, luring rats, and rescuing animals, like pit bulls.

Now, there is nothing wrong with animal rescues, darlings!  But I guess the entitled of 710 WEA, who feel they all worked to get there, feel differently.  Hey, could Trott become the next Kitty Genovese?  Judging from neighbors' comments, I would not be at all surprised.

How did said woman gain access to Trott's apartment?  Was the act premeditated by she, or in a conspiracy of neighbors,  and others?  The woman, who is having a psychological evaluation, is said to be mentally ill, but the nature of that is not known, and not everyone with mental illness commits murder.  It takes a special kind of aberration to do that, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I have to wonder what is going on, along the Upper West Side.  In my youth, I spent much time in that area.  Now, I would think twice about going up there.  At least, until both mysteries are cleared up!

When they are, darlings, I will let you know.  So, stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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