Saturday, October 27, 2018

Will 'SVU' Ever Stop Being "The Olivia Show?" Not As Long As Mariska Hargitay Has Creative Control!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   "Exile," this past Wednesday's "Law And Order, SVU" episode, had some good moments; actually some great ones.  But none came from Olivia Benson.  Still, Benson did her Joan Didion downer thing, and got the last shot.  Too bad, because Peter Scanavino and Philip Winchester were really good in this one.  And where the hell was Kelli Giddish??????????

                                       Speaking of Amanda, is Kelli really pregnant, (as she was the first time around) or is this another trope for Amanda?   I am sure we shall find out, in time.

                                         The REAL performance of the evening came from the actress, pictured left--Aimee Spring Fortier, as Grace Walker/Sophie Simmons.  Judging by her work here, this young lady could become another Celia Keenan-Bolger. Hers was the best guest star performance I have seen on this show, since I can remember.

                                           Even more interesting, the notch is being turned up on Carisi and Stone.  When you have two gorgeous looking guys, like Peter Scanavino, and Philip Winchester, there is NOTHING wrong with that.  I wonder if Winchester's character is being used to explore sexual addiction, because he sure seems headed down that road.  As for Carisi, he is emerging as a masculine presence with a sensitive soul; a toned down version of Chris Meloni's Elliot Stabler, whose character was a loose cannon.  Which is what made him fascinating.

                                            As does Carisi's not being such.  But Elliiot balanced out Olivia.  With everyone--actors and creative staff--being held at psychological gunpoint by Mariska Hargitay's over inflated, egocentric sense of herself as an actress, no one else on this program stands a chance.  Maybe Kelli was off the show, because she has had it and is looking for another show.  Hey, with the right gig, she could become the next Kathryn Morris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             The scenes with Scanavino, Winchester, and Miss Fortier were, by far, the best.  I was happy the program reunited Sophie with her true self, and gave her some form of closure.  But did Olivia have to so conspicuously cling close to her, to make sure she gets in the picture?  And her little homily was sickening, because the last word in this episode should have gone to Miss Fortier.

                                               So, why did it not?   Because everyone is petrified of Mariska Hargitay, whose Olivia Benson is the personification of--and every workplace has one--the Office Dragon, whose time has passed, and should be put out to pasture.  Come on, 'SVU' people, send this bitch/horse to the glue factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 No wonder my David cannot stay awake during these shows. Though he has made several good points.  First, there is really no more "Order" in the show.  As satisfying as the closing was, in spite of Olivia, it would have been more so, had the Professor Adams and Sophie been allowed to confront one another in court.  Instead, with him being dead, he gets away with something he has probably been doing all along, before and after Sophie, so where is the justice in that.  And this is supposed to be a police procedural show.  Second, even though Fortier gave an exceptional performance, few A-list guests appear on this show anymore.  Oscar winners used to guest star on this show; now all they get is Central Casting.  I am of the opinion that A-listers, who want to show their stuff in a juicy role, are blindsided when they see how the show/scripts center on Olivia, and no one else. There was a time when everyone clamored to be on this show. Not anymore.

                                                   If this show is to survive, it had better restrain Mariksa/Olivia from taking over the show, or else she will ruin it!  She is clearly out acted by everyone around her, she has no chemistry with anyone but herself.  Even Noah is turning into a psycho; living with this downer egotist, who can blame him????????????

                                                     Get over yourself, Mariska/Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Retire, and do yourself, and the show, a great, big favor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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