Friday, November 16, 2018

"God, She's A Dancer! A Dancer Dances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        It is so fitting that there is a performance of "A Chorus Line" in New York, tonight, at City Center.  Because today just happens to be the birthday of its original Cassie, Donna McKechnie.

                                       What better way to honor Donna by running her signature show right now. Or, going to see it, which is what I will be doing at tomorrow's matinee.

                                          Donna is somewhere in her late 70's, and I am telling you, she could do the show tonight.  It is in her blood stream.  I wish it was in mine.

                                            Seeing her and the Originals was a turning point in my life. She will always remain, for me, the greatest show stopper in Broadway history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, a happy birthday to Donna McKechnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             And, girls, don't pop the hip!  It is not in our blood streams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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