Monday, December 17, 2018

All Right, Girls, We're Coming Down The Home Stretch--Time To Haul Out One Of The Best-- Christmas Horror Image #12--1984's "Silent Night, Deadly Night!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          This, to me, is the Gold Standard of Christmas Horror films, as it is scary and campy at the same time.

                                           The opening is hilarious.  A family goes to visit an Alzheimer ridden Grandpa in a nursing home.  The actor looks like a demented version of Stephen Sondheim!  When the little boy is left alone with him, Grandpa, clearly faking his condition, comes alive, telling the child, in gleefully nasty terms, how Santa Claus is really evil, incorporating into the dialogue two words important to the rest of the film--"naughty," and "punish!"

                                             The family leaves Grandpa, stopping at a gas station that is menaced by a sick, psycho Santa, who murders the vendor, crying "Merry Fucking Christmas," then murder the boy's parents.  He survives, but there is even worse in store for him.  He is raised in an orphanage by
a demented Mother Superior, played in a science stealing performance by Lilyan Chauvin, the film's real villain.  Thanks to her, the child morphs into a teenage pscyho Santa serial killer, who is just stopped short of murdering the Mother Supeiror, which I, and I am sure most of this film's audience, was cheering him on to do.  But he is stopped, but not before the younger brother of the killer sets things in motion for a sequel, having witnessed his parents, and now his older brother, being taken from him. He glares malevolently at the nun, saying the word that ends the film--"Naughty!!!!!!!!!"

                                            I am telling you, this should be required viewing annually on Christmas Eve.  Along with "Female Trouble," it will get all the treacle and marzipan out of your system.

                                             Ideal for diabetics, like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is Lilyan Chauvin as the menacing nun.  She is one twisted Sister, darlings, which is why we love her, and why we wish she would get hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have the Merriest of Christmases, with this one, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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