Monday, December 17, 2018

Here Is Celia, Doing Her Celia Thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I am talking about, of course, the great Celia Keenan-Bolger, now the toast of Broadway in "To Kill A Mockingbird."   I have not seen Celia or the production yet, but the time has come to deal with it,  Help me, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I am so on the fence about this one.  I LOVE Celia, and her work; just from these photos, she breaks hearts and burrows into her character as internally as any actor out there can. Which is what makes her so gifted, and if,  anyone is going to, as an adult, play a child, and pull it off, is it she.

                               Having not yet seen the production, I have questions.

                               First, I hear adults are playing the children.  Then the adult actors are playing children as adults, looking back. How?  Like the ghosts in "Follies?"  No one has made this clear to me.

                                 Why are the Ewells glamorized?  They are White Trash, and should look like it. So why is Frederick Weller, as Bob Ewell, dressed in a shirt, jacket and tie, never having owned one in the first place?  Ditto, as good as I have heard about Erin Wilhemi's performance as Mayella Ewell, she seems too posed and well groomed to be White Trash.

                                    I keep hearing the Boo Radley story has been shunted aside.  How?  Why?
And what is the point?

                                     Aaron Sorkin, who now thinks of himself as God, maintains there is nothing on the stage that is not in the book.  All well and good, but he has deconstructed Harper Lee's linear narrative, and how, on stage, especially with adult actors, will Ewell's attacking of the children, and Boo's saving them, be dealt with????????????????

                                       No matter how Sorkin crows, the movie and the book will never be replaced. When this show closes, it will be a memory, but the movie and novel will endure longer.

                                       I want to see it.  And I want to see Celia.  So, if there are any readers out there who have already seen it,  I want to hear from you on here.  Answer some of the queries I pose in this post!  And tell me about Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Myself, I have always wanted to play Mrs. Dubose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another shot of Celia, at her internalized best!!!!!!!!!!

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