Monday, December 24, 2018

Cannot Believe It Has Been A Year, Since Heather Is Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      A year ago, today, darlings, Heather Menzies, aka Louisa Von Trapp in 1965's "The Sound Of Music," left this world, and it is only fitting she be remembered.  How many of us looked this pretty when we were Heather's (on the right) age?  And how many of us wanted to?
I know I did.  And look how stunning Angela Cartwright was this.  This is certainly my favorite picture of them both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         As a tribute, David and I, early this Fall, went to a special screening of "The Sound Of Music," which served as a tribute both to Heather, and Charmian Carr, who passed the year before, in 2016.

                                           Watching the final shot of the film, as the Von  Trapps disappeared over the mountain, I cried, as I said goodbye to both Heather and Charmian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Both left this world too early.  But what an enriching legacy they left!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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