Monday, December 24, 2018

This Is How The Dutch Did It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This captivating illustration comes from an old childhood book, handed down to me by my older sister, called "Tales Told In Holland."  It was a collection of stories, published sometime in the Forties by The Book House For Children.

                                   One story recounted Dutch Christmas, which involved St. Nicholas, on the night of December 5, riding through the night on his horse, delivering gifts, both good and bad. Now, before you go and socially attack me, darlings, part of the legend, as written, was St. Nicholas was accompanied by his assistant, a little Moor, named Black Pete.  He was sort of a more benign version of Krampus, a reminder that children should be nice to the less fortunate, and if they were not, they would get dissatisfying gifts, often put there by Black Pete.

                                      Remember the time of the book's publication, and the legend.  I am just reporting, not making this up. And Black Pete did carry a wooden switch, which he would sometimes use on naughty children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Pretty and austere--that was how the Dutch did Christmas!

                                        It took America to theatricalize, and jazz it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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