Monday, December 10, 2018

Girls, I CANNOT Wait To See This One!!!!!!!!!!!--Christmas Horror Image #6--"Mrs. Claus," 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Remember several years back, when there was talk going around of a remake of the 1980 Jamie Lee Curtis classic, "Terror Train?"  That never came about, thank God, but, after seeing the trailer for "Mrs. Claus," this is clearly a "Terror Train" redo, with a Yule Tide theme!!!!!!!!!!!  I know I would just love it.

                                       In an unknown college town, within an unknown college and sorority house, some prank went wrong.  A girl was being bullied, and the prank resulted in her death.  Over the years, the prank is not forgotten, but passes into the stuff of legend, told to newbies, and visitors to the house.

                                       Inevitably, bodies start dropping, done in by some deranged--or not--killer, dressed up as a rather desiccated looking Mrs. Claus.  This sounds like so much fun!  And right away I can tell you, without seeing the film, who the killer is.  It is either the girl victim's mother a la Mrs. Voorhees, or a sister no one knew the girl had.

                                         Let's watch it, to see if I am right!  Remember, most murders are committed by someone known to the victim, but all murders are avenged by someone the victim knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Here is the trailer!  This should be a Holiday blast, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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