Monday, December 10, 2018

"Godsend," by John Wray.....It's Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The premise of this novel was intriguing, as it was inspired by John Lindh Walker, who became part of the Taliban when young, taking part in the USA's invasion of Afghanistan, fighting on the terrorist side.  What made him choose this path?  I had hoped Wray's novel would answer this question. Sadly, it does not.

                                         Wray's protagonist, Aden Grace Sawyer, raised in Santa Rosa, CA, is the daughter of a professor of Islamic studies at a nearby college or university.  He teaches it purely as a cultural and linguistic study, but his daughter also wants to embrace the philosophic aspects, which she does, going to Pakistan, disguising and renaming herself as a boy--Suleyman--so she can take an active part in Taliban-like activities.  She is found out, almost killed, but flees, and then what?

                                            Truthfully, I did not care. I was interested in how the writer would justify Aden's decision.  But I did not glean anything worthwhile from this narrative.  I wanted the writer to get inside her mind, making the reader understand how she could transition. This would have been fascinating from a literary perspective; it would not mean the author or reader is advocating this transition.

                                              But, whatever, the author was unable to do it.  So "Godsend" turned out to be a major disappointment, not the illuminating work I was expecting.  It did not turn up on any lists, and I am not a bit surprised.

                                               That's the Reading Game, darlings.  What you expect not to enthrall you does, and what you expect to do, actually doesn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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