Monday, December 10, 2018

What Is So Great About A Bunch Of Drunken Straights??????????????????????

                                        I hate SantaCon.  When I found out that the day,--December 8--when we were going to the opera, was also the date of the 2018 SantaCon, I groaned.  I did not want to be near this crap, and hoped that, since we were at Lincoln Center, we would be immune from it.

                                         And we were, to a point.  When we got on the train to go back to Brooklyn, that is when we encountered it, Described as a "pub crawl," it concentrated on midtown and the East Village.  Well we had to switch to the 42ns Street R, at midtown, and around 8th Street, it goes through some of the East Village.  I felt like I was captive.

                                         This gives a group of both young and overaged frat boys to act like the drunken pigs they are.  Meanwhile, the girls involved are just as trampy as can be.  They better not be seen in the vicinity of the Convent Station at The College Of St. Elizabeth, or those nuns will give it to them, but good.

                                           As they deserve.  Really, I wish the whole thing would just stop.  The Holidays are manic enough without this.

                                             Send these Santas back north, where they belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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