Friday, December 21, 2018

Here, Again, Is The Bi-Yearly Confusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Which always happens in June and December, darlings.  It is all a matter of how one has been taught.

                                         Today is, indisputably, the First Day Of Winter.  Proserpina has reached her half way point of her sentence in Hell, so she starts feeling a little hopeful, each day.

                                          But what about the short and long of it?  There are some who feel last night was the Longest Night of the year, with today being the Shortest Day.

                                            My favorite depiction of Winter beginning is an old Bugs Bunny cartoon.  He pops up out of his hole, pulls the calendar page from the tree.  It now says December 21st.  He then delivers the line...."December 21....First Day Of Winter!"  Instantly, a deluge of snow pours down upon him, blanketing his entire region in snow all season.  To some of us, that is, indeed what Winter feels like.

                                               But the Holidays make it tolerable, and the evenings offer plenty of cold nights to settle in, and read.  Winter is, in some ways, the coziest time.

                                                 Now, the way I was taught is, tonight is the Longest Night, and tomorrow the Shortest Day, and that is how I plan to observe it.

                                                  So, welcome, Winter, whenever you get here, and may everyone have a happy solstice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Let it snow, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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