Thursday, December 20, 2018

Well, Dolls, That's It For Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               If those falling leaves have not drifted past your windowpane by now, my dears, then they ain't gonna.  I mean, has this been a Fall, or what?  One day there is weather near to Spring, then we have a light snowstorm in November that crushes the city.  What is going to happen when Winter sets in?  Which just happens to be tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Ah, Winter, the season of our discontent.   A time for cozying up in the evenings, like Jane Austen, with a book, while sipping tea or mulled cider.  A time to appreciate having a home, indoors.  And a time of waiting for the hope of Spring to come.

                                 Right now, I am waiting for the days to lengthen, the Christmas season to bloom, and my beloved David's birthday.

                                   Hang in there girls!  Just a little more of 2018 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Let's hope I reach my goal of 100 books.  At present, I am at 99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,
    Well, I am half way through
    book #99 now. The tough part
    will be choosing which will be
    the 100th!
