Thursday, January 17, 2019

"Now, Shop Rite Does The Can Can, Selling Lots Of Cans Of Vegetables In Can Cans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Remember the "tasty corn, asparagus," girls?

                                    Shop Rite's "Can Can " commercials are a brilliant return to the distinctly American middle class supermarket milieu of my childhood.  Shop Rite....Acme....Grand Union...oh, my God, I thought the area of Jersey where I grew up was nothing but supermarkets??????????

                                       Was my future destined for working in a supermarket?  Horrors, no???????????

                                        But the commercials are creative, fun, and nostalgic for some of us.  And this has been their main ad gimmick for decades, and it still works.

                                         That makes some kind of record. Whomever came up with this was brilliant, and, I hope, landed a gold mine of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It just makes me want to walk into a Shop Rite, right now, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sadly, there was a report in the business section of newspapers last week that the Can-Can campaign has been canceled. Another cute innocent cultural artifact tainted and destroyed by the ever-expanding #MeToo and thoughtless PC-at-all-costs movements.

    Because, you know, the animated dancers are victims of female exploitation, used to titillate viewers into purchasing packaged foods from an evil corporation, thus keeping us all locked in the dirty capitalist system. Chalk this one up to the nascent Alexandria Occasional-Cortex era. It ain't gonna be fun.


  2. This #MeToo crap is getting out of hands.
    Straight men are in for it now, with women;
    they won't be able to do a thing, lest they
    be misconstrued.

    But eliminating the Can Can commercial? I
    hadn't heard that, and it saddens me to hear it.
    An advertising staple that worked for decades, it
    was brilliant and imaginative. Something you don't
    see too much in advertising today,

    Are we entering the age of Ray Bradbury's "I Sing
    The Body Electric?" Or, sadly, are we there already?
