Thursday, January 17, 2019

Portrait Of A Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This week's column almost chose its own candidate, darlings.  With the year barely two weeks old, Jake Patterson is already looking good as one of the top Bitches Of The Year.
For now, at least, he is the winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                  He is some loser who worked at a cheese factory--isn't that ironic, dolls?--and saw Jayme Closs, a 13-year-old girl, get off a bus, and was instantly obsessed with her.

                                   Obviously, Jake, you could never get a date or get laid.  So you decided this was the way?  You sick, twisted FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, let me say, not all computer nerds are psychos.  What I want to know is, where are the parents in all this?  The father reaches out to the family, the grandfather continuously defends his grandson, saying he is "quiet and shy," and, meanwhile, where is the mother?  Is there a mother?  Did she die?  Or did she leave because she was aware of what she was dealing with?  My guess is the last.

                                      On October 15, Jake murdered Jayme's parents, Denise and James Closs, then took Jayme to his home, where he kept and hid her for 87 days, till the brave, smart girl, escaped.

                                        She was hidden in a cabin in Gordon, Wisconsin.  She was forced to stay under a bed for twelve hours at a time, no food or bathroom breaks.  There is no evidence that Jayme was sexually assaulted--which surprises me!!!!!!!!!!--and Patterson threatened her with harm if she made herself visible.

                                         This sick thing should be locked up, with real butch inmates, who will cornhole him!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let him know what it was like for Jayme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         What kind of a loser are you, Jake?  Never screwed a girl, and now you have screwed yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Which is what bitches, of all types, do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mama took a powder when he was 9 years old, for reasons yet to be revealed, which is supposedly what drove him to become a bookworm loner so alienated he never even used a computer (rare in this generation of loons).

    Yes, its very peculiar that his fetish involved imprisonment and control only (no sex), which is a small blessing to the poor girl. This angle seems to support the idea his psychopathy is driven by anger towards his mother abandoning the family (the rest of the family then apparently abandoned him to his demons in the cabin shortly thereafter).

    It is painful to contemplate what might have eventually happened to the child had she not escaped at the moment she did. Three months of this ordeal was enough, how much longer she could realistically go with no food, water, movement or mental stimulation before losing her sanity altogether? This kind of control fetish only lasts so long before the victim becomes catatonic: he would have likely killed her from boredom by spring. So glad she was able to escape, and fortunately fled in the right direction at the right time to encounter aid.


  2. So, Mama did leave! Smart gal!
    I bet she had the awareness it took
    Nancy Kelly half "The Bad Seed" to
