Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Now, THIS Is A Movie I Would Like To See!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Just perfect for the coming year, isn't it, darlings?  Especially at this time, when the Holidays and their aftermath induce coughs and colds in so many of us.

                                            The phlegm balls, come, of course, from outer space.  They travel in clusters, and are big enough to be seen by people walking down the street, who get chased by them.  Their danger is when they attack--they surround the person or persons, and, then on cue, disintegrate, releasing a noxious odor that kills everyone, but produces new phlegm balls!

                                                How can they be stopped?  Delsyn?  Advil?  Tylenol 3, with codeine?

                                                You tell me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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