Saturday, January 5, 2019

"You Cockadoodie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               One of my many favorite moments in "Misery," is when Annie Wilkes (memorably played by Kathy Bates) goes into town, and another car collides into her.  She yells out this childish phrase with such vehemence, the guy gets out of the car, and challenges her.

                                And this is in rural Colorado, I think.  Imagine if this were New York!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But, before going there, let me say that, darlings, I am back.  I have been off here, as David and I have been recovering from post holiday colds. We are improving, but I have to get a hold of my wheezing.  Know any good home remedies?  My PCP didn't give me anything for it; I may have to go back to him, and demand something to ease this...pardon the pun...misery!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, back to Annie.  We just love her, darlings!  Imagine a production of the musical "Annie," where the title character is dressed and played like Annie Wilkes.  She calls Miss Hannigan a bitch, socks her in the mouth, and does all those Annie Wilkes things we love--minus the hobbling, in a radical re-imagining of  the 1977 musical theater classic.

                                  No, dears, I am not having a psychic break.  I mean, I am writing, aren't I?????
But I am having some time getting through the new Haruki Murakami, and I am not sure if I am going to make it.  I mean, if I could get through "Europe Central," by William T. Vollman,  or "Pamela," by Samuel Richardson, I can get through this.  If only it was not so darned long and repetitious.  But maybe my cold is altering my perception.  Somehow, I don't think so.

                                   I would like to shout out, "You cockadoodie!" to Haruki Murakami.  I would also like to shout it out on the subway train, and see what happens.  I can guarantee you two scenarios--either no one will bat an eye, because no one will recognize the phrase, because how many people riding the subway today, actually read books?   Most of them are brain dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The other scenario is, recognition or not, some nut will go ballistic and attack me!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, much as I would like to try this, the sensible part of me will not.

                                      It's OK to be entertained by Annie Wilkes, but not to emulate her,
because, as James Caan, as writer Paul Sheldon tells her, at the climax--

                                        She is one "sick, twisted FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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