Saturday, January 5, 2019

"Cold.....Oh No!!!!!!!!!!! Baby, I Can't Believe Your Heart Is Cold! Maybe It's Just Afraid, To Be Broken Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 The #MeToo movement would love this!  Back in the Fifties, or even early Sixties, there were a series of records called "Music For A Bachelor's Den....Sex Kittens!!!!!!!!"  Can you imagine such a thing, today?  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!  And, once again, gay men are shut out, even though they will know more about the music on this recording than their straight male counterparts.

                                  This particular recording is special to me, because it features one of my favorite standards of the era, Lena Horne's rendition of "Watch What Happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   And you know who has gotten into the groove????????  Our own, lovable, reptile friend, Baby Gojira!  He is dancing, jiving, and sing up a storm to this tune!  I am telling you, if we don't watch out, he is going to be booked at Feinstein's 54 Below, where he will sell out every performance.

                                     Since yesterday, he has been jumping and jiving, all over the place.  Oh, my God!  There he goes again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       He may not want to be a Sex Kitten, because he is just our lovable Baby Gojira, whom we adore!  For those of you girls who aspire to Sex Kitten status--and I know you are out there--take a good look at yourselves in the mirror, and examine your hair, figure, and accessories.

                                        As Celeste Holm, as the Fairy Godmother, in "Rodgers And Hammerstein's Cinederlla" said, "Impossible...……..things are happening, every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        Here is Lena singing that song!  No wonder I was so captivated!  And Baby Gojira, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baby Gojira is just jumping and jiving, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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