Saturday, January 5, 2019

Sorry To Say, The Reading Year Is Starting Out On A Down Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And what a downer, that is!  No, darlings, I am not reading Joan Didion.  From where I stand now, Joan would be an improvement, because, while depressing, she understands the merit of brevity.  What I  have been reading, of late, demonstrates that some writers just don't know when to quit, or their editors are so exasperated they don't know what to do with them, or their clients are so full of themselves they think they don't need editing.  My guess is a combination of all three.

                                        Which is the case with "The Force" by Dan Winslow.  I have to give this guy credit, where it is due.  He lives in California, but writes about New York City with the knowledge of someone who has lived here for a time, because some of the locales he references would be unrecognizable to those living outside the area.

                                           The novel is fast paced, full of murder, villainous policemen, including a cop, who actually betrays himself.  So, what is wrong?  Well, about three fourths of the way through the book, I was anxious for Winslow to wrap things up, leaving the reader with a nice, tightly packaged story.  But, instead, he goes on and on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wanted to say, "Enough already!," and, when I closed the cover on this one, instead of being satisfied, I was exasperated!

                                             And I am having trouble with my current selection, "Killing Commendatore," by Haruki Murakami.  I am desperate to finish it, but, oh, my God, it is a slog.  But if I could make it through William T. Vollman, anything is possible.  We shall see.  Either way, I will get back to you, on this. Though it may finish me with Murakami.

                                               Writers need to stop feeling obligated to be epic, when there is no need for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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