Friday, February 22, 2019

An Open Post To The Fiasco Theatre Company, Regarding 'Merrily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

                                                    "Imagine how snide and vicious he
                                                       (Addison De Witt) could get, and
                                                    still nothing but the truth."--Anne
                                                      Baxter to Celeste Holm, in "All
                                                    About Eve" (1950.)

                                          Indeed, Fiasco.  Be afraid.  Be VERY afraid.

                                          I, (The Raving Queen, that is!) am coming to see 'Merrily' on the March 2 matinee.  Woe to those from whom I find this production unsatisfying.

                                          Why do I sound angry already, when I have not seen it?

                                           Because I have read a great many things that made me cringe when I heard of some of the ways it has been approached.  I won't address those until my actual review--I still hope to be proven wrong--but if not, look out!

                                            My review will also elaborate on my connection to the show, which goes a bit beyond Row E, center.

                                              I admit to a curiosity about how a score as rich as Sondheim's could be encompassed in a show reduced to an intermissionless one hour and forty five minutes.  That, more than the cast of six, worries me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I have seen several productions of 'Merrily,' including the original (I saw that twice!) and have always come away with something from them.  You better get your act together, or this queen will eviscerate you in print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Still, until the show starts, I look forward to it, and hold out hope.  What else can I do?  I am sure the show is frozen.

                                                Be very careful with my 'Merrily!"

                                                The eyes of The Raving Queen are now, till then, upon you!!!!!!!!!!

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