Friday, February 22, 2019

Hey, Abby, Lonny! What Did You Think Of The Roundabout 'Merrily????????????'

                                  When it was released, I could not wait to see the documentary "Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened."  As a devotee of 'Merrily,' I was so excited to be let in, via cinema, to the incredible world of what it was like doing that show.

                                    Lonny Price made the film, and he did an wonderful job, but the two who impressed me the most, back in 2016, were Terry Finn, the original Gussie, and Abigail Pogebrin, whose hair, poise and articulate voice helped clarify things from the voice of a participant. I have since discovered Abby's writing, both on Judaism and 'Merrily', two topics endearing to New Yorkers.
And with the opening of the Roundabout re-do by the Fiasco Theatre Company, I fearfully ask--of Abigail, Lonny, Terry, anyone who has seen it yet--IS it a fiasco????????????????

                                     When I read Jesse Green's review of the show, all my suspicions were confirmed.  But, then, I thought back two weeks ago, to a post I had written about seeing the ENCORES' production of "Call Me Madam," with Carmen Cusack.  I walked into the auditorium that day with low expectations, and a lousy attitude, "How the hell will I get through this?"  After all, aside from Cusack not being Merman, as Green and everyone kept over stating, "Call Me Madam," though serviceable, is not a world beater of a musical.  Not a classic, like 'Merrily.'

                                        The show swept me away with its gorgeous costumes, Cusack's altogether different take and voice of the part, and a young man named Jason Gotay, whose unbridled talent almost made me stand up in my seat!   With the right handling, he could become the male Jessie Mueller!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Which goes to say Green was wrong in his assessment.  And now things might repeat themselves with 'Merrily."  Right now, though I have hope for the show--and hope is an important component of the show--my expectations, thanks to Jesse, are not that high.  I would love to be proven wrong, again.

                                            So, Abby, Lonny, anyone who sees it before I, if this post catches your eye, give me your feedback under "Comments."  I would love to hear!

                                              Love to all you 'Merrily' originals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Here are Abigail and Lonny articulating!  Simply brilliant!

                                              And, Abby, who does your hair???????????????????

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