Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Another Tragedy, Not So Personal, But One I React To, As Though It Were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I am talking, of course, about the 1993 abduction, torture and murder of then two-year-old James Bulger, whose case is now the subject of an Oscar nominated live short, called "Detained."  I have not seen it, yet, but, when I do, I will give you a full report!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        At 3;40PM, in The Strand Mall, in a section of Liverpool, England, two ten -year -old boys named Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, lured him away, committed their heinous crime, and left, for themselves and James, a tragic place in history.

                                         James, today, would have been 28, coming up on 29, and who knows--he would be working, might be married, having children, or expecting them.  How happy his parents would have been!

                                          As for Thompson and Venables, they are a mystery.  For one, they have been issued new identities, but I have no doubt eventually they will be found.  Venables has had a troubled history, including living with a sexual predator, and venturing into pedophilia and child pornography.  Thompson, while keeping a low profile, is, to me, a ticking time bomb that will go off again, at some point.  He was looked upon as the more dangerous of the two, but I think it is Venables.

                                             They should be outed, and shut behind bars, for Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Next to Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, they remain the second most hated crime duo in Britain. If not, the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Let us remember James today, with peace. He is at peace, and, I believe he watches over other children, potential victims, like himself.  Should this happen again, James, like the angel he was on Earth, and is now in Heaven, will take them to him, painlessly.

                                                  God Bless You, James, and may what happened always be remembered as a reminder never to ever happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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