Tuesday, February 12, 2019

It Has Been A Year................

                                      I knew, in advance, that two of my posts would be sad, so let me leave these in the middle.  The first one, of course, is deeply personal.

                                       A year ago, this evening, my father, Michael J. Hearn, passed on, at 102!!!!!!!!!  Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This has been my first year of being parent-less, and there have been times, during the year, when I have dropped my head, and cried, wishing for so many who have gone, that they could be back here, and see how well I am doing.  Thanks, in more than a large part, to David.

                                           The memories this day summons up, both good and bad.
                                            A time, when my father and his siblings kept our family closer together; whereas, now, we all have seemed to have splintered and fallen apart.

                                             How I long to have that togetherness.  It is there with David, but I miss my parents, their friends, and so many others.

                                             So, I am taking this day, to reflect and remember.

                                              The first year is the hardest.

                                               One moves on, but one never forgets!

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