Sunday, February 3, 2019

As The Raving Queen, I Am Uttering A Proclamation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Let me tell you something about The Strand Bookstore, darlings.  Going there on a Saturday is like braving Macy's during the Christmas holiday season.

                              I know, because David and I did a Strand run, yesterday.  The pushing and shoving were unbelievable.  I am telling you, it was as bad as a subway car, when crowded.  And dumb people just standing there, seemingly catatonic, blocking my way from books I want to get at, and peruse.

                                So, I, as The Raving Queen, am uttering a proclamation that hitherto, on a day when I am to be in the store, the place be put on notice, so that, when I make my entrance everyone gets the hell out of my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 When I enter the Strand, I am on a MISSION, girls, and I know damn well where I am going, and what I am looking for.  March in, shop, pay, then leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I expect the kind of royal treatment Norma Shearer gets, when she walks into the beauty shop, in the opening scene of 1939's "The Women."

                                     I am no dime store doxy, like Joan Crawford, as Crystal Allen.  I am The Raving Queen, damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Therefore, all in the Strand shall bow before me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I would love to visit the strand.
    I don’t know much about it.
    There’s a room you can only get to by elevator, right?
    And i know it was established by a guy from Lithuania, where my father was born.


  2. Victoria,

    Visiting The Strand is something you should do.
    It can be a bit overwhelming, if you do not go
    what you are looking for.

    I have heard of that room, but have no idea
    how one get there, and who is allowed to go

    Was Fred Bass' father Lithuanian? I did not know that!
