Monday, February 11, 2019

Darlings, Make Sure You Have Plenty Of Prosecco On Hand, At All Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Guests, I say, are like the IRS--you just never know when they will drop by!  Social butterflies, such as I, always have guests dropping by unexpectedly, so I always think it important to keep some prosecco, on hand.  Its sparkling look, tingly taste and texture, will ignite, any palette, and, for guests you might want to have leave faster than most, I can tell you, getting them sloshed is a good way to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Why, it wouldn't be a day in our house, without prosecco.  It is as socially necessary as coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I mean, I would not be properly exercising my hostess duties, without both.

                                                  Make sure you keep some in your fridge, girls!  Chilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Cheers, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!