Monday, February 11, 2019

Last Week's 'SVU' Was A Crock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 "Part 33, the recent "SVU' episode aired, was the most disappointing one yet.  Really, the writers should be sued by the estate of Reginald Rose--if anyone on the staff (and I doubt it!)--know who he is, because this was nothing more than a riff on "Twelve Angry Men," with the investigators re imagined as Rose's jurors, and was directed so poorly that even good actors, like Peter Scanavino and Kelli Giddish, were made to look bad.  They were simply directed to scream at each other, as if amping up the voice loudly is a testimony to great acting.  As someone who knows something about acting, let me just say--darlings, it is not how loudly one screams but how to vary  pitch and modulation when doing so, to get vocal variables, not relentless repetition!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   The one great moment came from Philip Winchester as Peter Stone, when he told Olivia, "Keep your bleeding heart out of my courtroom!"  That has to be a classic 'SVU' line, and will become a catch phrase for years to come. And doggie downer Olivia deserved it, though her hypocrisy, when she actually took the stand, was disappointing.  Instead of airing her platform, like she does every week, she caves in, like a good Company Girl.  This bitch just wants to keep her job!

                                     The histrionics revolved around testimony during a trial of a woman, Annabeth Peal, for killing her policeman husband, whom she said abused her psychologically for six years, even though she hasn't a mark on her.  I believed her, because I know such things are possible, and do happen; it happened in my own family, involving one of my aunts, and her husband.  However, the big attraction for me was seeing Paula Malcomson, so heartbreaking and unforgettable as Marlene Bradford in the 2007 classic "Cold Case" episode, "A Dollar, A Dream."  Now, I have not seen "The Hunger Games" movies, so I did not recognize Paula, at first.  When I saw the trailer, I thought she would be playing Annabeth, because she conveys heartbreak brilliantly.  But she turns out to play attorney, Stella Russell, and when the camera zeroes in on that blonde hair, and those eyes, I knew THAT was Paula.  She was great; this episode's answer to Stephanie March as Alex Cabot.  Unfortunately, she was not given enough to do, though she shined in the interview scenes.  I was feeling sorry for poor Amy Rutberg, who played Annabeth Pearl.  Wasn't she ever going to get a chance to talk?  She did, but it was, like, so what?  Thank God Paula was not cast here.

                                     The whole thing was a soapbox for the SVU team to flex acting muscles they do not necessarily have.  Go out and do some other things, before trying to do some thoughtful, serious, drama.

                                     And the way the camera filmed Olivia as she entered the courtroom and got on the stand--oh, my God, I wanted to vomit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can't you alter your facial expression at least one iota, Liv??????????

                                      The campiest moment was Olivia walking up, from behind, standing in front of the courtroom, and then shown, full face, looking upwards, as though Wonder Woman is here to save the day!  Give me a break, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        "Part 33" screwed up big time. It finally gets a real actress--Paula Malcomson-- then does nothing with her.  I say bring Paula back as a victim, or make her a regular, like Stephanie March was, and have her tear in to Olivia.  Oh, for the days of Christine Lahti!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And I thought this would be my shortest 'SVU' post.  Well, you know me, girls!  As The Raving Queen, when at my bitching best, I am hardly at a loss for words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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