Friday, February 15, 2019

Girls, I Have Been Meaning To Tell You About This Crazy Dream I Had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Any reader on here long enough knows how much I hated the film "La La Land." It had potential, and a great visual style, but the potential was ruined by miscasting, and the visuals were simply eye candy to make those of us more knowledgeable about the film musical genre sit through this dreck.

                                Several weeks ago, I had a dream in black- and- white.  I was somewhere in downtown Manhattan, searching for a revival movie theatre, that was showing a black-and-white film I wanted to see; something like Bergman's "Persona."  The dream ended with me getting a ticket at the box-office, but to get to the theater I had to cross a non-existent street called "La Law Land."  Am I going to law school?  Are you kidding?  At my age?

                                  And the Manhattan of this dream was nothing I had ever known. It was more like the William Cameron Mennzies designed sets in the 1936 film of "Things To Come."

                                   My God, could I have been foreseeing the future of Manhattan?
This is something like what I saw!  Beware the future, girls!  We will have gone from fashion glamour to Flash Gordon, super-hero minis!

Quelle catastrophe!!!!!!!!!!!!

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