Friday, February 15, 2019

Let's Go To Santa Land--In Arizona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I am just fascinated by abandoned amusement places, and I would love to go and explore, each and every one, but Santa Land is so compelling.  Not for what it is, buy where it is.  Sure, children all over the country fantasize about Santa Claus, but the mythology is always associated with cold weather, and, of course, the North Pole?

                                So, how could Santa Land have turned a profit in Arizona?  The American Southwest?  Where it is known to be hot?

                                It may have been a refreshing idea, but it did not pan out.  Now, I want to see what remains of it, thanks to its now haunted look, and who knows what walks there.

                                Remember, dolls, what Shirley Jackson said "...and whatever walked there, walked alone!"