Thursday, February 21, 2019

Girls, You Should Have Seen Amy's Cold Cuts Tower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   For those of us who enjoy beauty, color, and humor--and who on here does not-Amy Sedaris returned two nights ago with a second season of her divinely funny domestic comedy show.  Patty Hogg, Chassie, Nutmeg, The Lady In The Wood, and Esther, were all back, and on, to welcome all us fans.

                                    The theme was understanding teenagers, and how difficult it is.  Tell me about it.  I never understood myself, when I was one.  But the highlight was Amy's Cold Cuts Tower.  I am telling you, it looked like a wedding cake, designed by Sylvia Weinstock!!!!!!!!!!!  When I realized what it actually was, the thought of that amount of processed meat, and how it could kill you, almost turned my stomach.  Then I remembered the show was about teenagers, whose metabolism is such they could eat such a thing, without there being any upset.

                                      I dimly remember such a time.  Not that I did anything like that, though I then had the capacity to do.  Today, I feel more like Mr. Darling, at the close of Disney's "Peter Pan," who, as his children return to the nursery, looks out the window as the pirate ship sails to the moon, out of sight, as he recalls having seen that ship himself once, when he was very young.

                                         The shocker of the evening was that Esther might--now, mind you, I only say MIGHT--be bisexual. She was talking about having contact with a if she had ACTUALLY had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Heaven help us!!!!!!!!!!  If that is the case, what is poor Nutmeg in for?????????

                                             Needless to say, Amy is as lovely, charming and funny as ever.  Tuesday nights are lots more fun, now that she is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Make sure not to miss her, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the reminder- I totally forgot she was returning this week! Now I'll really need to get moving and watch the final two episodes of last season, so I can keep up!

    Love the completely dense, passive-aggressive Lady Who Lives In The Woods (and the way Esther just glares at her in disdain every episode)!
