Thursday, February 21, 2019

Is This Not The Best Designed Set Of All Time???????????????????????

                             Now, some might argue that the Babylonian set of D.W. Griffith's 1916 film, "Intolerance," merits this citation, but from the time I was young it was, and still remains MGM's conception of Munchkinland, in 1939's "The Wizard Of Oz."

                             Actually, I will go so far as to say that for many people, especially those who start out with the film, before reading the book, their conception of Oz is influenced more by MGM than L. Frank Baum.  And I think he would have been thrilled, had he lived to see it.

                              This photo barely does it justice.  The mixtures of colors, composition, painted backdrops, all fused together by hand rather than computer graphics, which only look cheap, make this a masterwork or set design.  So much so that my fantasy has always been to have a backyard with enough land to replicate it.  Not that I expect this to happen, but I can dream, can't I????????????

                                Some of you may have your own favorite set designs, and I am willing to listen.  But even if Muchkinland is not your favorite, you have to admit it IS impressive, and belongs in the Top Ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Whisk me away for a weekend, there, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Can’t think of one that even comes close.
    Chitty chitty bang bang maybe?


  2. Victoria,

    I watched that film again
    a few years ago, and some
    of it is eye catching.

    Maybe because I saw 'Oz'
    so young I am partial to it.
