Saturday, March 16, 2019

Belated Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Yes, dears, I know it is Saturday, and I should be curled up reading, but I had a week, what with doctor appointments, and switching meds to a neighborhood pharmacy.  So, it time for us all to catch up on a few things, so gather round.

                                   Teenagers today ain't nothin' but gangstas!!!!!!!  Ya hear me, all you hoodies????????

                                      Back on Saturday, February 23, around 6:45am, five of these boys--oh, they were all from the nabe, to be sure--came upon a group of homeless men on 60th Street, near Fort Hamilton Parkway, in Borough Park,, Brooklyn.  The men were sleeping, not bothering anyone.

                                        One bro' walked up to a man and asked him for money.  When that got nowhere, these gents laid into these unfortunates physically, beating one of them enough severely to land him in the hospital with a coma.  He is still there.  From what I have read, one of the attackers has been caught, and if he doesn't tell the truth on his cronies, then he should rot in jail with them.

                                         In the end, they got away with...…….five dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, this quintet, collectively, is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                            Beating up homeless men?  How low can you go?  What's next, taking candy from a baby????????????

                                              Boy were these guys stupid.  Not just low and evil, but stupid.  If you are scrounging for money, the LAST place one would look would be the homeless.  Why do you think they are out there, anyway??????????????????????

                                               I hope these bitches are caught and put away, where they belong.  As Stanley Kowalski said, in 'Streetcar,' "Oh, their future is mapped out for them, all right!"

                                                 My sympathies to the homeless men attacked.  Everyone deserves to be safe in this city, even the unfortunate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Inmates do not like those who prey on the weak.  So, watch yourselves, boys, you may get a taste of what you dished out!

                                                  And I hope you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. If your behavior is despicable according to PRISON standards, you’re in a heap of trouble


  2. Victoria,

    You are so right.
    Those boys will get it
    if they are caught and jailed!
