Saturday, March 16, 2019

Happy Belated Birthday To Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Yesterday was Seamus' birthday.  He is now twelve years old.  And I want everyone to send waves of love and good wishes to Seamus, whom I adore, because he has had a rough time.  Let me tell you his story.

                                     Late December, Paws Truly closed down its original location, where Seamus ruled, and moved further up Third Avenue, to cohabit at Apple Tree Natural Market, on 7613 Third Avenue.  So, Deidre and Seamus are still there, along with Barbara, David, Nicholas The Cat (their store's official mascot) and his on again, off again girl friend, Miss Kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       A lot goes on here, let me tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But Seamus has had some problems.  The change has been rough on him. He was off his usual eating routine, he is on meds for an irregular heartbeat.  But, most disconcerting of all, once he came into Apple Tree, he underwent a personality change.  He did not come out to greet guests anymore, and when he saw me--and I have had such an affectionate relationship with Seamus, for at least seven years--he growled at me aggressively.  And continued to, on subsequent visits.  I was scared, and hurt, at first.

                                        Deidre assured me it was not personal, and in time I came to see that.  Especially when she told me the heartbreaking story of them stopping in front of the old store, and Seamus wanted to go inside. He knew that is where he should be.  When they arrived at Apple Tree, he did want to go inside.

                                          Poor Seamus.  I cannot blame him; I feel for him.  He knows things are changing.

                                            However, on my way to the subway yesterday, I stopped to wish Seamus a Happy Birthday.  He did not come out to greet me, but when I greeted him from over the counter, his head perked up, and he gave me that special Seamus smile, with his twinkling eyes.

                                              So, I think Seamus may come around.  Any dog people out there, please comment on this behavior.     And sends lots of love to Bay Ridge's Celebrity Dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Love to you, Seamus!  We are all here, for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Don’t count Seamus out!
    Your connection is still there.
    Dogs need structure and stability and patience.
    We have recently taken in a blind Yorkie, Lillian, and a toothless min pin, Vivian!

  2. They are both senior dogs, like Seamus.
    I actually Prefer animals that nobody else wants, who have had a sad life up until now.
    They don’t feel sorry for themselves, they just want a chance


  3. Victoria,

    I am always here for Seamus,
    but thanks for reminding me.
    So glad you took in Lillian
    and Vivian. They will get
    all the love they deserve.

    David and I have discussed
    when he retires getting a dog.
    If we do, it will definitely be
    a rescue.
