Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Did Anyone See Amy Sedaris' "Fan" Show, Last Night??????????? How Clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Not everyone made it on to Amy's show this week--I missed Nutmeg, The Lady Who Lives In The Woods, and Esther, whom I am still trying to figure out if she really is bisexual.

                                   The show began as a genuine paean to Amy's fans---of which I am one--but then degenerated into a spoof of both "All About Eve," and "Fatal Attraction."  I should  have seen it coming.

                                   You see,  Amy had sponsored a fan contest, with viewers telling why they liked her show so much.  The winner turned out to be this unassuming woman, named Mary, from some Podunk town, who arrived at Amy's, fresh off the bus, in a mousy trench coat and beaten up suitcase.  Shades of Anne Baxter as Eve Harrington!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I should have picked up on it!  But I didn't!!!!!!!!!

                                    Mary presented herself as someone who had admired her for a long time, so much so she wanted to have her own homemaking show.  She hugged and hugged Amy, till if I wondered there was going to be a lesbian thing, here!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       When Mary turned out to make a better pie crust than Amy, I knew Mary was moving in for the kill.  She wanted to take over Amy's show--first suggesting they co-host, when what she really wanted was for herself to take over Amy's show.  This was when I realized this was a take on "All About Eve," and said as much to David.

                                         Amy ordered her to pack her bags and leave.  Mary sat by the door, waiting for the bus to come, crying crocodile tears.  But then Chassie appears, and is so charmed by Mary, she thinks this woman should step in for Amy.  When Chassie leaves, Mary comes after Amy with a butcher knife--a la Glenn Close--and the psycho drama is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The show breaks with Amy splattered on a couch, Mary, knife in hand, hovering over her.

                                           When the show returns, Patty Hogg comes in, finds Mary, and begins to be suspicious about the whereabouts of Amy.  She is discovered stuffed inside the piano, and all Patty wants to know is how Mary got plump little Amy inside there.

                                              Mary is gotten rid of by the Super Snoopers, who chase her out of Amy's home, and all is right with the world.

                                               This was one of Amy's funniest shows.  As well as a message not to allow dangerous people into your life.  In my case, that would be closet cases.  But more on that,  later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 We just LOVE you, Amy!!!!!!!!!!!  And Baby Gojira still wants to be on your show.  I promise you he won't try and take over, though he does have a mind of his own!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. "Madge has issues..." - LOVE IT!

    Callie Thorne was so amazing as crazy Sheila for seven seasons of "Rescue Me", its a hoot watching her send herself up in retro cameos for Amy.

    And what a happy surprise to see Rose Byrne as the stalker! Love her too: she's usually the straight man to clowns like Melissa McCarthy, so its clever of Amy to make her the lead for a change.

    Season Two gets curioser and curioser...


  2. I did not recognize Rose Byrne, though she looked
    familiar to me. Same with Callie Thorne. The film
    sendups were a scream, and yes, the show is full of
    surprises this season. I cannot wait to see what
    lies in store for us next week!
