Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What An Improvement,Over Ray Liotta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I just LOVE the Chantix Turkey, girls, and I hope you do, too.

                                   Ray Liotta was hot for a moment, in the scenes he had in "Goodfellas" back in 1990, which is almost thirty years ago!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?  And I am sure it had to do with how Martin Scorsese shot, and lit him.  Eleven years later, when he was an open head in Hannibal, back in 2001, and Anthony Hopkins was feeding Liotta's brains to the dinner guests, that was pretty much it for his career.

                                    When he appeared on the Chantix commercials, I thought he looked awful.  Even too scary to be representing the disadvantages of smoking, and the act of giving it up.  I kept hoping the company would get rid of him, and find some other advertising gimmick.

                                      I cannot recall posting that on here, but I may have mentioned it, elsewhere. And now someone has listened.  The Chantix Turkey is so cute, and adorable, and he really wants to help those quit smoking.  He is the best advertising idea to come along since the ORIGINAL Sparkle Fairy!!!!!!!!!!!  Remember her, dolls????????????

                                       My congratulations to the Chantix Turkey, and the staff member there, who thought it up.

                                        Someone, at that company, knows what they are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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