Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Let Me Tell You About Our Weekend From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I promise there will be individual posts on the vehicles seen, but what should have been a perfectly artistic weekend was marred by some imperfections, which I just about found intolerable.

                                          The only exception was "Greta," where things ran smoothly, though I was mildly upset by the depths of loneliness of the title character, and what it drove her to.  More on that when I write extensively about "Greta."

                                             "The best laid plans of mice and men."  What did I know?  Here, I thought it had come from John Steinbeck.  But now I discover it is an old Scots verse.

                                               Nevertheless, it was applicable to our whole weekend experience!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Stay tuned tomorrow, for these "extraordinary" (and that is not a complement) adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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