Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Two "Scouts" Connect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              David and I do not see Broadway's "To Kill A Mockingbird," until April 27.  I wish I had been at this performance, which took place around February 28, when  Mary Badham, who originated the role of Scout in the iconic 1962 film, earning an Oscar nomination and losing out to the only one who could possibly have beaten her--Patty Duke, in "The Miracle Worker."  Do we get these kind of performances in films today, from children, let alone adults????????  Not a chance!!!!!!!!!

                                 Celia was so touched.  At the final curtain call, she stepped forward and gave such a moving speech, introducing Badham, now in her late Sixties, to the audience.  It was so profoundly from the heart, like all things Celia does.  I cried just hearing it.

                                   It is a video exclusive from People Magazine, so I cannot put it on here.  But I urge you to Google "Celia Keenan-Bolger," and you will find it.  It is SO moving.  And, of course the great Elmer Bernstein score is filtered into it.

                                   I wondered if Mary would attend the show.  I am sorry I was not there for it.

                                   But now I look forward to seeing Celia more than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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