Wednesday, April 10, 2019

"Dearly Beloved," The Latest 'SVU' Episode, Had A Great Start, But Fizzled Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I have always wondered what it might be like attending a wedding, and when the presider gets to the part where he says, "If anyone can see just cause why these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace," and then someone does stand up and make a statement.

                                   This is exactly how the segment opened. Kitty Bennett, played by Shirl Appleby, states, in front of all, that the groom, Dr. Joshua Hensley (T.J. Thyne) raped her, and then all hell breaks loose.

                                    Kitty is a fascinating character.  You want to believe her, but her manic to almost psychotic behavior makes her questionable.  I thought the episode would explore her psychosis, that she turns out to do this continually to the men she has not succeeded with.  Alas, the story is more predictable.  Dr. Hensely is a sex sleaze, who should not be practicing psychotherapy, and won't after this, but ropes in women, using his profession. When Kitty confronts Hensely at knife point--I was rooting for her to kill him--his fiancé, Lana Stallworth (Maureen Sebastian) pleads for his life, but when she begins to recognize words of enticement used on Kitty, to be the exact same words used on herself, Lana realizes Kitty is telling the truth--he did the same to her--and screams at her to go ahead, and kill him!

                                      Unfortunately, that never happens.  The doc is hauled away, and Olivia gets the last shot by the water, telling Kitty, now seeing a new therapist, to take care of herself, and good luck, as Olivia watches.

                                         Oh, and to make sure we don't forget Olivia is a child or rape, Kitty discovers she is pregnant, does not want to keep the baby, but Olivia talks her out of it, saying the baby is innocent, but later revealing to Rollins that Kitty repeated to her words she heard her own mother say once--She did not want a child conceived by a monster.  Leaving Olivia glum and depressed, despite her years of therapy with Bill Irvwin.

                                           Girls, I am telling you, Shirl Appleby, as Kitty Bennett, was so compelling, better to have had her been a raging psycho, destroying every man that gets in her way.
Now, that would have been fun and entertaining.

                                             Alas, it all had to come back to Olivia.

                                            Are we in for 21 more seasons of this?????????????????????


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