Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Just What The Hell Is Going On In Clifton, New Jersey?????????????????????

                                 I heard this on the news, last night.  Some homeowner, in a Jersey town not named, is decorating his front yard for Easter, with not only the traditional accoutrements, but...Playboy Bunny mannequins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, I find out the town is Clifton, NJ!!!!!!!!!!  My cousin, Brian, lives out there! What the hell is going on in Clifton???????????????????????????????

                                   The decorator certainly has a creative and stylistic flair.  Neighbors say he decorates for all the holidays, and I bet his spot is the talk of the town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But this?  Scantily clad girls, short of tramps?  What kind of message does this send to children, especially little girls, and their mothers?????????????????

                                      The property is owned by Wayne Gangi, a dentist.  The house may double both as residence, and office.  It is on Grove Street!  I think my cousin, Brian, is on Grove Street!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Looks like I may have to pay a visit to Clifton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Grace Metalious never covered this in "Peyton Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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