Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Please Help Adopt Barsik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             My heart just goes out to Barsik, when I look at him.  I am sure he needs love, and that his owners mistook feeding for love.  Barsik weighs in, at 41 pounds, and the first thing he needs is to bring down that weight. He is only five years old, but, with that poundage, how many of those nine lives are currently being used.

                                                It makes me sick the owners abandoned him, when they left town.  Though, to his credit, he was not left in the house, or on the street.  Barsik was taken to one of the Animal Care Centers Of New York City, where he was put up for, and is now available, for adoption.

                                                 On Monday, Barsik and another cat were moved to a foster home, under the auspices of Anjellicle Cats Rescue, in Manhattan.

                                                   There, he will begin a weight loss monitoring program.

                                                    But Basik needs lots love!  So, even if you can't adopt---like I, due to allergies--at least pay him a visit, and tell him he is loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      I love you, Basik!  And so will others, out there, who are just waiting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It’s just as well they gave him up; he has a chance now.
    May I have your email so that I can send you a picture of my cats.
    And my dogs. And my grandsons.
    Ok just the pets lol


  2. Victoria,
    You are right, now he does have
    a better chance. I hope he gets
    it soon.

    My email appears on my blog page,
    but in case it does not on yours,
    it is hearnmichael375@gmail.com.

    Would love to see your pics!
