Saturday, April 6, 2019

Is Giuliani An Alien From Outer Space??????????????????????

                             From the way Kate McKinnon brilliantly portrays him on "Saturday Night Live!," it would seem that way.

                                       And look at this----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To think that this man was once the Mayor of New York City.  Now, he is the attorney for President Trump????????

This guy does not deserve any of these offices!  He never should have risen above owning a fourth rate pizza parlor in some dicey section of the city!  Maybe that section in the Bronx--which one is it?--with all the sleazy hotels, and prostitutes???????????

I mean, how could Donna Hanover have slept with this guy?  Let alone have a kid  by him?  And look how that one turned out!  I bet jail is in his future!  He sure as hell is no Ronan Farrow!

Now, darlings, I do not vote Republican, but I make no judgments against those who do!   I mean, I just LOVE Condoleezza Rice!!!!!!  That hair, that smile, and she knows how to dress!

Giuliani is just plain plug ugly!  Rice is a Republican by choice, as is her right; but what other social group would have accepted Rudy Giuliani????????   I mean, they would have to be dumb!!!!!!!!

Well, look at our leadership today!!!!!!!!!   No wonder I get all my news from "Saturday Night Live!!!!!!"

I realize I may be offending outer space aliens, and I certainly don't want to do that!  I mean, how about lovable Cucumbo?  And some of my favorites, the Saucer Men??????????
I mean, look at this! Cuter than Giuliani!!!!!!!!!!  And he glows in the dark, too!   One more talent Rudy hasn't got!

Maybe aliens from space should take over the Earth.  But whenever I see Rudy Giuliani, dears, it scares me to wonder whether or not they already have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He does seem like a nasty piece of work.


  2. Victoria,

    Oh, he is! I lived through his time
    as Mayor of New York, and he was just
